

   时间:2018-07-12 09:21:42 来源:互联网编辑:星辉 发表评论无障碍通道

近日,知名全球市场研究与咨询机构Forrester发布《The Forrester Wave™: Full-Stack Public Cloud Development Platforms In China, Q3 2018》。百度云此次强势入围 Forrester Wave卓越表现者(Strong Performer)阵营。 事实上,作为百度AI面向企业级市场的落地窗口,百度云在基础设施、技术研发创新、开发者服务、行业落地等方面日臻完善,在短短两年内便以营收增速最快的优异表现成为公有云市场的一方霸主。



营收增速最快 智能云服务渐成市场刚需




ABC全栈技术能力突出 树立智能云服务市场标杆

作为中国目前仅有的两家智能云服务提供商之一,百度云今年发布云服务框架ABC STACK2.0,全面开放110多项人工智能能力,9个开源开放的大数据服务能力,以及10种计算实例、6类网络组件、3级对象存储等基础云服务能力。此外,ABC STACK混合/私有环境下的部署形式ABC一体机,预置成熟的算法模型,开箱即用,帮助企业快速利用AI进行业务创新。在开发者体验服务方面,百度云推出了最新的Infinite(天衍),帮助面向公民数据科学家和AI开发者更好地进行算法研发。


今年5月,百度云对外展示21项核心AIoT能力,并发布了国内首款边缘计算产品—智能边缘BIE(Baidu IntelliEdge)。在边缘计算中,数据的处理和分析是在产生数据的设备或设备附近完成的,无需首先发往企业云或数据中心。部署了智能边缘BIE的设备和边缘计算节点,既可以与百度云天工进行无缝数据交换,对敏感数据进行过滤计算,也可以在无网或者网络不稳定的情况下,缓存数据、独立计算,实现实时的反馈控制。

IDC 预计,今年将有 50%的物联网网络将面临网络带宽的限制,40%的数据需要在网络边缘侧分析、处理与储存。时间窗口已经来临,百度云BIE部署于钢材质检、煤炭探放水及农业生产等应用场景,将进一步筑牢百度云在物联网这个万亿级新兴市场的核心竞争力。

Full-Stack Public Cloud Development Platforms In China, Q3 2018: Baidu Cloud is a Strong Performer

Be smarter than you, and work harder than you!

Recently, Baidu Cloud was named a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave™: Full-Stack Public Cloud Development Platforms In China, Q3 2018. In fact, as Baidu AI's landing window for the enterprise-level market, Baidu Cloud has improved in terms of infrastructure, technology research and development innovation, developer services, and industry landing. In just two years, it has achieved the fastest growth in revenue. Performance has become the hegemon of the public cloud market.

It is reported that this report surveys and evaluates the 12 most significant full-stack public cloud platforms in China, Baidu Cloud, from 33 evaluation criteria such as revenue growth, and number of customers.

We think this is also consistent with Baidu’s president Zhang Yaqin’s expectations for Baidu Cloud. At the just-concluded Baidu AI Developers Conference, Zhang Yaqin said that Baidu Cloud is the carrier and source of Baidu's artificial intelligence strategy, and also the cloud of Baidu's brain. The goal of Baidu Cloud is to be the smartest cloud and the most intelligent. Cloud, the cloud that helps customers solve problems.

The fastest revenue growth, intelligent cloud services are gradually becoming the market

As the fastest growing cloud computing company in China, Baidu Cloud's market performance has caused widespread concern in the industry. Compared with 2016, Baidu Cloud's number of customers increased by 10 times last year, traffic increased by 8 times, and revenue reached 4 times that of 2016. This year, Baidu Cloud Strategy has launched its power and banking industry, and has reached a top 10 enterprise in the Internet of Things, such as smart car networking, industrial Internet (IIoT) and smart home, with BAIC New Energy, Botai, Baowu Group, Haier and Country Garden. Cooperation, the growth momentum is strong.

It can also be seen from the rapid growth of Baidu cloud that cloud2.0 driven by ABC has become the trend of cloud computing, and the proportion of intelligent demand in the new market of cloud market continues to increase. From a global perspective, Azure's new market share has surpassed AWS, and enterprise cloud focus is moving from infrastructure to high-value areas such as AI and edge computing.

Forrester pointed out that the cloud platform has become a key foundation for Chinese companies' CIOs, CTOs and other decision makers to embrace emerging technologies and accelerate value delivery. Cloud-based big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence services play a key role throughout the customer lifecycle. As the top AI and IoT service provider in China, Baidu Cloud has full-stack technology capabilities and opens up artificial intelligence technologies including voice, text, video and image to enterprise customers. Its open source deep learning framework, PaddlePaddle, helps enterprise-level developers train algorithmic models and quickly acquire the technical capabilities piggybacked on Baidu Cloud, focusing on business and product development.

ABC's full stack technology capabilities stand to set the benchmark for smart cloud services market

As one of the only two smart cloud service providers in China, Baidu Cloud released the cloud service framework ABC STACK2.0 this year, fully opening more than 110 artificial intelligence capabilities, 9 open source open big data service capabilities, and 10 Basic cloud service capabilities such as compute instances, Category 6 network components, and Level 3 object storage. In addition, ABC STACK hybrid/private environment deployment form ABC all-in-one, pre-configured mature algorithm model, out of the box, to help enterprises quickly use AI for business innovation. In terms of developer experience services, Baidu Cloud launched the latest Infinite, helping to better develop algorithms for citizen data scientists and AI developers.

At present, the face recognition technology based on Baidu cloud has been applied to financial scenarios such as identity authentication, credit review, mobile payment, etc., and assists in the innovation of well-known financial institutions such as Guangfa Bank, UnionPay Business, Baixin Bank and Taikang Insurance through AI technology and big data analysis. Business processes to optimize the user experience. Relying on the industry's leading image recognition technology, Baidu Cloud has successively developed the “Steel Defect Recognition Model” and “Continuous Casting Slab Defect Recognition Model” with the first self-confidence and Baowu Group, which realized the first application of AI in the field of steel material inspection.

In May of this year, Baidu Cloud displayed 21 core AIOT capabilities and released the first edge computing product in China, the Baidu IntelliEdge. In edge computing, data processing and analysis is done near the device or device that generated the data, without first being sent to the enterprise cloud or data center. The equipment and edge computing nodes of the intelligent edge BIE are deployed, which can seamlessly exchange data with Baidu Yuntian, filter and calculate sensitive data, cache data and independently calculate without network or network instability. Real-time feedback control.

IDC expects that 50% of IoT networks will face network bandwidth limitations this year, and 40% of data needs to be analyzed, processed and stored on the edge of the network. The time window has arrived. Baidu Cloud BIE is deployed in steel material inspection, coal exploration and release water and agricultural production applications, which will further strengthen the core competition of Baidu Cloud in the trillion-level emerging market of the Internet of Things.

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